Nuclear Deformation Simulation

Import the necessary packages

import parmed as pmd
import json
import sys
from sys import platform
import mdtraj as md
import as mmapp
import mdtraj.reporters
import simtk.unit as u
import random
from openNucleome import OpenNucleome
from openNucleome.utils import coor_transformation, final_frame
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Important parameters

We defined the important parameters in the next block. First, we set the transition probability between dP particles and P particles as 0.2, and the transition frequency as 4000. When creating the system, we set type 6, 7 as the dP and P particles, respectively, so we kept using 6, 7 here. In this example, we ran a simulation with total length of 100,000 steps, and output one configuration and the energy every 2000 steps.

prob_P_dP = 0.2 # Transition probability from P to dP
prob_dP_P = 0.2 # Transition probability from dP to P
transition_freq = 4000
sampling_freq = 2000
dP_type = 6
P_type = 7
total_steps = 100000

Initialize the system

We first set up an example “model” of class “OpenNucleome” with the conserved temperature, damping coefficient, timestep, and the mass scale. In this folder, we also included the initial configuration “human.pdb” used for the simulation and created a system according to the initial configuration.

In this example, we moved all the lamina beads, and would consider the dynamics of the membrane, and that is why we set “True” (on) for membrane dynamics. Consequently, we need to designate the bonds between specific lamina beads, so we included a text file, which logs all the pairs linked by the bonds, for the variable “membrane_bond”.

model = OpenNucleome(1.0, 0.1, 0.005, 1.0) # 1.0: temperature (LJ reduced unit);
                                           # 0.1: damping coefficient (LJ reduced unit);
                                           # 0.005: timestep (LJ reduced unit);
                                           # 1.0: mass_scale

PDB_file = "strength_one/human.pdb" #The initial configuration

# Generate new elements and construct topology as well
# flag_membrane: True for including lamina dynamics, False for excluding lamina dynamics;
# lam_bond: A file contains the lamina bond when membrane_dynamics is on.

model.create_system(PDB_file, flag_membrane = True, lam_bond = 'input_params/lamina_bond.txt')

Add the force field

Different from the sphere nucleus situation, we used a csv file to log all the flags of interactions between chromosomes and chromosomes, or chromosomes and nuclear landmarks.

The column from “bond” to “lam_squeeze” is boolen, which means the switches of the corresponding interactions. For example, if the spec-chrom is True, it means in the simulation, the interaction between speckle and chromosome will be present; if the inter is False, it means we exclude the interchromosomal interactions between chromosome. Remember some potentials require the corresponding parameter files, such as ideal requires ideal_param_file and spec-chrom requires the chr_spec_param, so if you turn those potentials on, you should also include the corresponding parameter files.

In this example, we turn every interaction on, and set the strength of force squeezing the nucleus as 1.0 (k) when loading the customized force field. The users can set their specific strengths.

Because during the simulations, we would transit the dP speckle and P speckle particles, here, we logged the start index and end index of speckle particle, and computed the number of speckle particles.

# Add the default force field
# Add the customized force field
# In this customized setting, I logged all the flags for different interactions
# (True means on, False means off, and NaN means N/A)
# and all the corresponding files required for interactions.
force_field = pd.read_csv('input_params/input.csv', sep=' ', header=0, index_col=0)
model.load_customized_settings(force_field, 'input_params', k = 1.0)

index_spec_spec_potential = 6 #The 6-th potential is speckle-speckle interaction in the default settings
start_spec_index = model.N_chr_nuc+1
end_spec_index = model.N_chr_nuc_spec+1
N_spec = end_spec_index-start_spec_index

bond angle softcore ideal compt inter spec-spec spec-chrom nuc-nuc nuc-spec ... lam-chrom hard-wall lam-lam lam_squeeze ideal_param_file compt_param_file interchr_param_file chr_spec_param chr_nuc_param chr_lam_param
chromosome True True True True True True NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN ideal_param_file.txt compt_param_file.txt interchr_param_file.txt NaN NaN NaN
speckle NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN True True NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN chr_spec_param.txt NaN NaN
nucleolus NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN True True ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN chr_nuc_param.txt NaN
lamina NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... True True True True NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN chr_lam_param.txt

4 rows × 21 columns

Perform the simulation

We first created the simulation with a specific Platform, and here, we used “CUDA” but users can also use “CPU”, “Reference”, and “OpenCL” according to their hardware. Before the simulation, we minimized the energy to make the system much more reasonable and stable. After randomly setting velocity, we started our simulation with a total length of 100,000 steps and output the configuration and energy every 2000 steps, and change the speckle types every 4000 steps as we mentioned in the previous blocks.


simulation = model.create_simulation(platform_type = "CUDA") # Users can also use CPU, Reference, OpenCL.


simulation.reporters.append(mdtraj.reporters.DCDReporter('results/step_100000.dcd', sampling_freq))

def setVelocity(context):
    sigma = u.sqrt(1.0*u.kilojoule_per_mole / model.chr_system.getParticleMass(1))
    velocs = u.Quantity(1.0 * np.random.normal(size=(model.chr_system.getNumParticles(), 3)),
                        u.meter) * (sigma / u.meter)

simulation.reporters.append(mmapp.statedatareporter.StateDataReporter(sys.stdout, sampling_freq, step=True,
    potentialEnergy=True, kineticEnergy=True, temperature=True, progress=True,
    remainingTime=True, separator='\t', totalSteps = total_steps))

for i in range(total_steps//transition_freq):
    # Change the type of speckles every 4000 steps, non-equilibrium scheme.

    # Do the chemical modification, and change the spec-spec potential on the fly.
    for j in np.random.randint(start_spec_index-1, end_spec_index-1, N_spec):

        if model.compart_type[j] == dP_type-1:
            model.compart_type[j] = P_type-1 if random.random() < prob_dP_P else dP_type-1
            model.compart_type[j] = dP_type-1 if random.random() < prob_P_dP else P_type-1

    # Update the context after changing the type of speckles.
    for m in range(model.chr_system.getNumParticles()):
        model.chr_system.getForce(index_spec_spec_potential).setParticleParameters(m, [model.compart_type[m]])

# Keep the final result of bead types in case constructing the configuration for the continuous simulation.
np.savetxt('results/compt_final_frame.txt', (np.array(model.compart_type)+1).reshape((-1,1)), fmt='%d')
#"Progress (%)" "Step"  "Potential Energy (kJ/mole)"    "Kinetic Energy (kJ/mole)"      "Temperature (K)"       "Time Remaining"
2.0%    2000    123136.44445905171      100752.69234185581      114.52055593216552      --
4.0%    4000    138145.93252829043      99854.70038122084       113.4998532971868       9:06
6.0%    6000    142575.6182367836       104465.90880812544      118.741183730089        8:38
8.0%    8000    141094.42452352808      107327.50563145665      121.99381799170929      8:21
10.0%   10000   139697.16552712512      107342.47070395519      122.01082804258003      8:13
12.0%   12000   137654.04464475974      106994.70033531352      121.61553482482218      8:03
14.0%   14000   138386.55393252496      105782.62134612219      120.2378251433289       7:53
16.0%   16000   137409.19082230702      106199.98460544148      120.71222112592687      7:42
18.0%   18000   138944.10917304258      106093.39691125305      120.59106821467195      7:32
20.0%   20000   137593.22835381792      106262.0393691768       120.78275567816587      7:21
22.0%   22000   138695.92867257126      105989.21260070454      120.47264710962654      7:10
24.0%   24000   138082.96422167047      105636.71725733916      120.07198324896527      6:59
26.0%   26000   138577.68014618923      105942.89960543014      120.42000543978695      6:48
28.0%   28000   138547.97569732778      105614.2894846135       120.04649071927538      6:37
30.0%   30000   139048.79707005448      105953.13915726854      120.43164422721559      6:26
32.0%   32000   139369.4478256774       106096.93739319986      120.5950925037643       6:15
34.0%   34000   139349.70734011347      105551.45826302844      119.9750736061584       6:04
36.0%   36000   138652.69678783504      106307.39016938012      120.83430366889978      5:53
38.0%   38000   138994.0196299976       105924.91785091767      120.39956647706012      5:42
40.0%   40000   138711.95389602106      106045.77361075555      120.53693718629414      5:31
42.0%   42000   139755.55680584465      106157.32762501454      120.66373506566056      5:20
44.0%   44000   139418.1188406263       105861.9173488944       120.32795695131931      5:09
46.0%   46000   139318.77307771594      106084.84309645879      120.58134552039144      4:58
48.0%   48000   139156.1582248191       106000.44885852029      120.48541880298527      4:47
50.0%   50000   139394.24871664512      106154.93144347834      120.66101144572286      4:36
52.0%   52000   138976.02488041663      105917.33440921981      120.39094675743841      4:24
54.0%   54000   139636.7751483859       105824.53815483821      120.2854698873599       4:13
56.0%   56000   139109.49119912702      105962.1255783129       120.44185864342542      4:02
58.0%   58000   139591.83060822415      105548.44699685683      119.9716508502199       3:51
60.0%   60000   139158.00653002597      105773.10164969457      120.22700457961139      3:40
62.0%   62000   139141.23690284294      106340.19938493858      120.87159626642863      3:29
64.0%   64000   138657.07116640714      106162.69666414094      120.66983778441957      3:18
66.0%   66000   138872.56066384647      105709.55038510424      120.154769029554        3:07
68.0%   68000   139552.46901895298      106237.45014421445      120.75480633361563      2:56
70.0%   70000   140314.6318439555       105998.06802734527      120.48271263103683      2:45
72.0%   72000   139878.4964976344       105824.37540777247      120.28528490089441      2:34
74.0%   74000   140049.54976571468      105978.09999204957      120.46001596209643      2:23
76.0%   76000   139040.28804717027      105698.80343463195      120.14255350742695      2:12
78.0%   78000   139441.61604379857      105796.50827126215      120.25360971791694      2:01
80.0%   80000   139103.81283076043      105733.9975154245       120.1825568622178       1:50
82.0%   82000   139735.49375639576      105520.89870734174      119.94033808470546      1:39
84.0%   84000   139625.44875567633      105857.33796241746      120.32275179130842      1:28
86.0%   86000   139302.36985220472      106414.25964148348      120.95577686304458      1:17
88.0%   88000   139197.9629622838       105156.448308775        119.52608550957876      1:06
90.0%   90000   138969.3590577207       105676.13902677708      120.1167920063982       0:55
92.0%   92000   138261.92996336846      105622.26065619843      120.05555115210468      0:44
94.0%   94000   138923.98136101887      106060.5908358773       120.55377918643204      0:33
96.0%   96000   138863.37451388055      105655.18511185612      120.0929747373017       0:22
98.0%   98000   138649.21396001056      106102.68049923926      120.60162040571038      0:11
100.0%  100000  138531.91066385998      106315.62779116184      120.84366696236692      0:00

Post-process the output files

We converted the trajectory with the default OpenMM unit to the nex trajectory with the reduced unit, and saved the final configuration according to the last frame.

coor_transformation('results/step_100000.dcd', 'results/reduced_traj.dcd')
final_frame('results/step_100000.dcd', 'results/compt_final_frame.txt', 'results/final_config.pdb')