Tutorials: Configuration Relaxation

Import the necessary packages

import parmed as pmd
import json
import sys
from sys import platform
import mdtraj as md
import simtk.openmm.app as mmapp
import mdtraj.reporters
import simtk.unit as u
import random
from openNucleome import OpenNucleome
from openNucleome.utils import coor_transformation, final_frame
import warnings
import numpy as np

Important parameters

We defined the important parameters in the next block. First, we set the transition probability between dP particles and P particles as 0.2, and the transition frequency as 4000. When creating the system, we set type 6, 7 as the dP and P particles, respectively, so we kept using 6, 7 here. In this example, we ran a simulation with total length of 100,000 steps, and output one configuration and the energy every 2000 steps.

prob_P_dP = 0.2 # Transition probability from P to dP
prob_dP_P = 0.2 # Transition probability from dP to P
transition_freq = 4000
sampling_freq = 2000
dP_type = 6
P_type = 7
total_steps = 100000

Initialize the system

We first set up an example “model” of class “OpenNucleome” with the conserved temperature, damping coefficient, timestep, and the mass scale. In this folder, we also included the initial configuration “human.pdb” used for the simulation and created a system according to the initial configuration.

In this example, we freezed all the lamina beads, and would not consider the dynamics of the membrane, and that is why we set “False” (off) for membrane dynamics. Consequently, there was also no need to set the bond between lamina beads, so we set “None” for the variable “lam_bond”.

model = OpenNucleome(1.0, 0.1, 0.005, 1.0) # 1.0: temperature (LJ reduced unit);
                                           # 0.1: damping coefficient (LJ reduced unit);
                                           # 0.005: timestep (LJ reduced unit);
                                           # 1.0: mass_scale

PDB_file = "../configs_generation/init_config_pool/human_1.pdb" #The initial configuration

# Generate new elements and construct topology as well
# flag_membrane: True for including lamina dynamics, False for excluding lamina dynamics;
# lam_bond: A file contains the lamina bond when membrane_dynamics is on.

model.create_system(PDB_file, flag_membrane = False, lam_bond = None)

Add the force field

In this example, we loaded default settings for the interactions between chromosomes and chromosomes, and chromosomes and nuclear landmarks. All the types of potential can be found in “Section: Energy function of the whole nucleus model” in Supporting Information. According to the order of added potential, the index of speckle-speckle potential is 6, and this index is needed when transiting the speckle particle between type 6 and type 7.

Because during the simulations, we would transit the dP speckle and P speckle particles, here, we logged the start index and end index of speckle particle, and computed the number of speckle particles.

# Add the default force field

index_spec_spec_potential = 6 #The 6-th potential is speckle-speckle interaction in the default settings
start_spec_index = model.N_chr_nuc+1
end_spec_index = model.N_chr_nuc_spec+1
N_spec = end_spec_index-start_spec_index #Currently, the number of speckle is 1600.

Perform the simulation

We first created the simulation with a specific Platform, and here, we used “CUDA” but users can also use “CPU”, “Reference”, and “OpenCL” according to their hardware. Before the simulation, we minimized the energy to make the system much more reasonable and stable. After randomly setting velocity, we started our simulation with a total length of 100,000 steps and output the configuration and energy every 2000 steps, and change the speckle types every 4000 steps as we mentioned in the previous blocks.


simulation = model.create_simulation(platform_type = "CUDA") # Users can also use CPU, Reference, OpenCL.


simulation.reporters.append(mdtraj.reporters.DCDReporter('results/step_100000.dcd', sampling_freq))

def setVelocity(context):
    sigma = u.sqrt(1.0*u.kilojoule_per_mole / model.chr_system.getParticleMass(1))
    velocs = u.Quantity(1.0 * np.random.normal(size=(model.chr_system.getNumParticles(), 3)),
                        u.meter) * (sigma / u.meter)

simulation.reporters.append(mmapp.statedatareporter.StateDataReporter(sys.stdout, sampling_freq, step=True,
    potentialEnergy=True, kineticEnergy=True, temperature=True, progress=True,
    remainingTime=True, separator='\t', totalSteps = total_steps))

for i in range(total_steps//transition_freq):
    # Change the type of speckles every 4000 steps, non-equilibrium scheme.

    # Do the chemical modification, and change the spec-spec potential on the fly.
    for j in np.random.randint(start_spec_index-1, end_spec_index-1, N_spec):

        if model.compart_type[j] == dP_type-1:
            model.compart_type[j] = P_type-1 if random.random() < prob_dP_P else dP_type-1
            model.compart_type[j] = dP_type-1 if random.random() < prob_P_dP else P_type-1

    # Update the context after changing the type of speckles.
    for m in range(model.chr_system.getNumParticles()):
        model.chr_system.getForce(index_spec_spec_potential).setParticleParameters(m, [model.compart_type[m]])

# Keep the final result of bead types in case constructing the configuration for the continuous simulation.
np.savetxt('results/compt_final_frame.txt', (np.array(model.compart_type)+1).reshape((-1,1)), fmt='%d')
#"Progress (%)" "Step"  "Potential Energy (kJ/mole)"    "Kinetic Energy (kJ/mole)"      "Temperature (K)"       "Time Remaining"
2.0%    2000    305517.57944424567      239729.9228943532       307.3442102983061       --
4.0%    4000    207185.90673694137      151506.21446981165      194.23757067669288      14:35
6.0%    6000    158288.3406172468       121372.09834880882      155.60432034887066      14:01
8.0%    8000    132847.48986336985      107250.5440399466       137.49987220638914      13:29
10.0%   10000   121596.96969540659      100929.74502448138      129.39633236285206      13:05
12.0%   12000   113962.34265134309      97423.7777640623        124.90152951982073      12:41
14.0%   14000   112257.73056958467      96318.60754455603       123.4846531271768       12:20
16.0%   16000   109864.41145441416      94804.20224058055       121.54311951884611      11:59
18.0%   18000   109899.56832139855      94648.97944137751       121.34411712454603      11:39
20.0%   20000   108446.11521933178      94627.91730774056       121.31711455118477      11:19
22.0%   22000   109445.79017165932      94263.81045584117       120.85031369666426      11:00
24.0%   24000   108907.84712871362      93942.05751382257       120.43781240069778      10:40
26.0%   26000   109715.24762966722      94501.93586251422       121.15560084723053      10:22
28.0%   28000   109012.5285738545       94112.84046071759       120.65676358256171      10:03
30.0%   30000   109207.79834143931      93955.38224187843       120.4548952828525       9:45
32.0%   32000   108795.9361688504       93830.04515171243       120.29420767017125      9:27
34.0%   34000   108592.09765447844      94863.32459109789       121.618916949185        9:09
36.0%   36000   109532.47760620397      93814.96253464038       120.27487109767635      8:51
38.0%   38000   108626.15925753233      95301.87573854289       122.1811586354108       8:34
40.0%   40000   108300.33539516928      94183.20974602466       120.74698007352303      8:17
42.0%   42000   109516.66493095538      93640.43991764485       120.05112549574196      8:00
44.0%   44000   108996.12333174223      93769.1005199753        120.21607399588052      7:42
46.0%   46000   109280.6361911603       93836.14837655456       120.30203227044113      7:25
48.0%   48000   108364.16466056774      93853.77001240787       120.32462397568223      7:08
50.0%   50000   109210.26718781143      94154.07247884736       120.70962482699086      6:51
52.0%   52000   108715.65516172761      94486.79727268191       121.1361925152173       6:35
54.0%   54000   108919.86091815002      94448.96149973289       121.08768540514258      6:18
56.0%   56000   108705.23455818793      94537.86794517544       121.20166734337985      6:01
58.0%   58000   109063.11636587992      93659.14819804284       120.07511032665309      5:44
60.0%   60000   108135.8393093122       94429.40193950695       121.06260919638713      5:28
62.0%   62000   109449.988285381        94249.21790594471       120.83160541164911      5:11
64.0%   64000   108265.71772550428      94931.98987010222       121.7069488297934       4:54
66.0%   66000   108873.47916040457      93522.16191102509       119.89948793585242      4:38
68.0%   68000   108727.68894074738      93940.03245892211       120.435216192049        4:21
70.0%   70000   109450.27407430168      94213.81964361423       120.78622329643153      4:05
72.0%   72000   108723.09269815465      94072.10699834587       120.60454150834501      3:48
74.0%   74000   108844.80312130705      94326.39749392454       120.9305530074787       3:32
76.0%   76000   108184.15437296525      93909.8220192326        120.39648509157962      3:15
78.0%   78000   108687.59792681698      93698.60431995375       120.12569479472339      2:59
80.0%   80000   107990.74859291193      94525.97634042453       121.18642178776784      2:42
82.0%   82000   108185.52120780546      94680.5950308404        121.38464968827138      2:26
84.0%   84000   108176.67632892226      94440.20228596928       121.07645571130833      2:10
86.0%   86000   108495.17923021212      94492.26184807981       121.14319833906276      1:53
88.0%   88000   107678.69027082807      94359.94717841972       120.97356516533716      1:37
90.0%   90000   107893.99383572253      94416.27027058577       121.04577382445795      1:21
92.0%   92000   106406.35815377338      93848.41319502125       120.31775630230409      1:04
94.0%   94000   108033.8972673082       93972.11037766634       120.47634148206463      0:48
96.0%   96000   107101.25632630658      93948.42374930475       120.4459741920721       0:32
98.0%   98000   108023.6646569059       94298.59749964751       120.8949122030926       0:16
100.0%  100000  106862.39324199257      93993.76087071122       120.5040983578318       0:00

Post-process the output files

We converted the trajectory with the default OpenMM unit to the nex trajectory with the reduced unit, and saved the final configuration according to the last frame.

coor_transformation('results/step_100000.dcd', 'results/reduced_traj.dcd')
final_frame('results/step_100000.dcd', 'results/compt_final_frame.txt', 'results/final_config.pdb')